Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Burning Bright

"You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." --Winnie the Pooh

I like this quotation, that's a problem... not expressing my feelings enough or too late. Waiting. Always waiting for people/situations to come to me. Whether it be in school, work, friendships, relationships, etc. If you're the type of person that goes to people or fights for what you want, you're lucky. It takes a lot to set aside your pride/fear and go after what you want, but at least you know you tried everything possible. My parents always tell me, "It doesn't hurt to ask or try; the worst, the answer will be no or you'll get no answer but at least you tried." (:

I had a really great weekend and had fun! Things are slowly getting there but there's soooooo much I want to do. I have all these ideas in my head! Only thing stopping me is MONEY! RAWR. On another note, they made me an offical employee at the clinic, I'm glad about that BUT i can only make 35 hrs max a week. That really sucks. I've grown close to a select few of my co-workers; things are always interesting. It's a good feeling when I'm not there and they start wondering where I am or asking my mom for me. I also like the smell of clinics, LOL.

I want to start collecting different coffee mugs; so when I move out I can have a cool collection. I know, I know, I'm childish :D

So the big question, what have I been up to? Here's a few things I've done:

♥) I bought myself a shelf, FINALLY. I was actually home one day and my dad was really bored, so i thought to myself, "HEY, I SHOULD GO BUY A SHELF! ...now that he's off." We went and I was all thrilled. I know, it sounds lame. ^_^

♥) Behold: My brother's heart! Done by yours truly :D I printed the picture from the machine. This is the apical 4-chamber view. You probably have no idea what you're looking at BUT it's okay because I do.

♥) Saturday I wore my new blouse! I bought it a month ago but never wore it because it goes up. Then I feel naked O_o I feel weird exposing my skin. Some where along my junior year in high school, I started becoming like that, idk why. Because before then I never cared.

♥) We also went to the parade. It was a last minute thing; my brother decided he was going to be in it. Every time I go to his events this year, I tear up like a mom. I come to the realization that we're older and he's really graduating this year! Then I think, we're gonna argue about grown up stuff... real stuff. LOLOL. He's the one below the light green dot.

♥) On Sunday, all going to The Bass Pro Shop did was make me want to shoot guns, canoe, fish, mountain climb, or in other words... GO CAMPING! Stupid store. It was really neat though, we were like kids in an amusement park. Put us in any store together and we'll make fun out of something. We cause commotion out of simple things! We looked at everything there.

Obviously, this isn't everything I've been up to but it's probably most of the good I've had this year. Seriously.

I'll try and do a non-life related post soon. I don't know about what but I'll think of something.

♥ Toodaloooo!

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